Introducing New Products Into Your Practice

Introducing New Products Into Your Practice

By Danielle Huntsman, MS CNS LDN


Depending on how your practice is set up, you may have a small store with a few of your favorite products, or you have turned to an online dispensary. Keeping your shelves stocked may seem “old school” these days as there is an upfront financial commitment, and the product can take up space, which is challenging in smaller offices. When recommending new products to patients, I like having them in my hand to offer to patients and show them the label and why I chose that specific product over the hundreds of different ones available on the market. 

Having even a small supplement inventory gives my patients the confidence that I am selecting the product with their best interests in mind. Having your tried and true formulas on your shelf is a great idea; however, how do you go about adding a new product or formula into your inventory? Let's explore other ways to introduce new products further.

Review the benefits: When choosing supplements, we always want to look for the highest quality; much like our diet, we want high-quality nutrients to fuel our bodies. Selecting a product that does not contain GMOs, colors, fillers, or binders is essential. As a practitioner, patients trust you are choosing the best quality for their body; with the number of food allergies prevalent today, make sure the product is clear of common allergens. 

Once you find a product of high quality, take a deeper look at the ingredients and dosage. This can vary between different companies. When choosing a formula, ask the company for any research on the ingredients and what sets their formula apart from others. One formula may look good on paper, but the recommended dosage may not match what is used in research. Many companies will also provide handouts summarizing research and clinically relevant information; I find this helpful for my health-savvy patients who constantly keep me on their toes with questions about new products. 

Offer Specials: Walk into any grocery store or pharmacy; the supplement aisles are flooded with hundreds of different options for your patients. What sets your products apart from these? The quality. Is this hard to relay to patients when the price point of grocery store vitamins is typically lower than what you are selling in your office? It can be, but going back to quality and what you fuel your body with is where I start the conversation. I also try to offer promos or specials to make the price point more friendly for those looking to try something new. Sending out promotions to your email list is a great idea; I find holiday specials are always well received. If you are active on social media, posting a short video or patient testimonial can also be a great way to reach your customers. Enzyme Science can be a great resource for any digital marketing needs or questions.  

Remember, patients trust you to find high quality products for them. When it comes to recommending any new product, make sure you are well educated on the ingredients, purity standards of the company/brand, and the recommended dosage.